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About Picking

Picking Berries

We provide gallon buckets for clients to use. Pickers may use one of our rope waist belts to suspend the bucket around the neck or waist so two hands may be used for picking. Much faster and easier than one handed or two fingered picking :)

Storage bags. We provide you with a freezer storage bag to take your berries home.

Suggestions and Requests

Do not wear open toe shoes.  Although we have done our best to eliminate those pesky fire ants, some pop up now and then.  Wear a hat, it can get hot, but if it does, come into our air conditioned packing house and cool off for a spell.

Children must remain accompanied by adults.  Please, no pets.

In the fields
U-pickers may walk to the fields or we will take you in a golf cart.  We go around to everyone in the fields every 30 minutes to offer free cold water to all our pickers and to pick up buckets to put in our cold room for cool down while you stay in the fields as long as you like.  When you are ready, come on in to the air conditioned packing house or give us a call (phone number on the picking buckets) and we will pick you up.

We-Pick and Frozen Berries

For those who want more berries than they have time to pick, we have berries we have picked waiting in the cold room. We usually have frozen berries by the gallon in 1 1/2 gal bags in our freezers for those who want to use berries for smoothies and cooking and ?

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